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  1. Mr. Lack previously was president of NBC News from 1993 until 2001 .


  2. NBC News says former anchorman Tom Brokaw has cancer .


  3. Timothy Geithner , sources told NBC news he 's in line for the job of Treasury Secretary .


  4. A Pentagon official told NBC News that the attack was embarrassing but did not represent a security threat .


  5. The incident has called into question not only the credibility of Williams but also the ethics and culture at NBC News .


  6. Former NBC News chief Bill Wheatley told Stelter that " the network is in bad shape . "


  7. What these mothers told NBC News echoed what a larger sample of working and stay-at-home moms said nationwide .


  8. This is due to the economy and how corporations operate now . One third of American workers are freelancers , reports NBC News .


  9. A separate poll released one week ago by the Wall Street Journal and NBC news showed bush 's approval rate at29 percent .


  10. We have concerns about comments that occurred outside NBC News while Brian was talking about his experiences in the field , she said .


  11. The new rule was established after Disney conducted a survey of its guests and contacted various child welfare associations , according to NBC News .


  12. A spokesman for the National Retail Federation told NBC News not a single merchant he spoke to plans to impose the charges .


  13. The Journal / NBC News polling team has assembled a county-by-county analysis of political attitudes based on results from all polling done this year .


  14. NBC news is still the network leader even though things appear chaotic at today with the apparently imminent ouster of host Ann curry .


  15. ' My cellphone battery always dies , ' she told NBC News when asked what inspired her to work on the energy-storage technology .


  16. By his actions , Brian has jeopardized the trust millions of Americans place in NBC News , Burke said in a statement .


  17. Both NBC news and the Washington Post report that Cartwright allegedly leaked information about a cyberattack on Iran 's nuclear facilities .


  18. U.S. officials said they had found no clear link to terrorism , but they were checking into passenger manifests and going back through intelligence , according to NBC News .


  19. Some 45 % of likely voters said Mr. Romney would be better able to deal with those issues in a late September Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll .


  20. Nine media companies , including NBC News and The New York Times , have agreed to the deal , despite concerns that their participation could eventually undermine their own businesses .


  21. Our traveling NBC News team was rescued , surrounded and kept alive by an armor mechanized platoon from the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry .


  22. But the person asking me was my dear friend and illustrious BU grad Andy Lack , the new chairman of NBC news and MSNBC .


  23. Ashoka Mukpo , the NBC News freelance cameraman who tested positive for ebola in Liberia is en route to Omaha .


  24. A public-opinion poll this month by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal found that two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the president 's handling of the economy .


  25. When Maria Shriver , NBC news anchor and third-generation Kennedy , addressed 1998 graduates at College of the Holy Cross , her remarks received national attention .


  26. Turness said in a memo to NBC News staff that executives decided to suspend Williams because he misrepresented the Iraq incident on the " Nightly News " broadcast .


  27. Ikea has issued a recall for at least 27 million chests and dressers that can easily tip over onto children , injuring or killing them , NBC News confirmed .


  28. In the latest Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll , 54 % of registered voters ranked the economy as their No.1 concern , outweighing any other issue by three times or more .


  29. Shriver , a member of the Kennedy political dynasty and the daughter of the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver , left her job as an NBC News correspondent after Schwarzenegger took office .


  30. Mateen 's father Mir Seddique told NBC News that the incident had nothing to do with religion , and may have been triggered by the sight of a gay couple kissing in Miami .
